We want you to date, dine, and adventure with confidence. When it comes to online dating, your safety is the only thing more important to us than your happily ever after.
Now that you’ve clocked a few matches, dodged any dating red flags, and have finally started to build a connection, it’s time to plan your first in-person meeting with your Chekmate cutie. To ensure your experience is the best it can be, here are 10 safety tips for online dating.
#1 Use a Trusted Dating App or Website
Not every dating app prioritizes your safety. A sign that you’re in good hands is a dating app that requires profile screening and other security features. Processes like these confirm the validity of social media accounts, email, phone number, and photo verification.
#2 Video Chat Before Meeting
Who says your first face-to-face has to be IRL? Chekmate encourages video dates before a meetup. This helps you read a person and their intentions. If you want to be extra cautious, before meeting up with your date, you can let a friend (secretly) observe a video interaction to give feedback if anything seems off. Friends have an uncanny ability to call out sketchy vibes.
#3 Drive Yourself
Offering to pick you up or take you home might seem chivalrous, but there’s no reason to give someone your home address until you’re completely comfortable. Drive yourself, catch a cab, or take public transportation until you trust them completely.
#4 Meet in a Public Place
Even a global pandemic isn’t an excuse to have your first date at someone’s home. Opt for a public park (not trail), rooftop restaurant, or have delivery sent to a romantic picnic spot where others are gathered. It is possible to social distance and have a safe first date.
#5 Give Someone All the Deets
This is the golden rule of a first date–tell a few people where you’re going and your date’s details. Schedule a check-in call. And use a few codewords in case you have to talk right in front of your date.
#6 Don’t Be Afraid to Leave
If you are ever in an uncomfortable situation, leave! There is nothing polite in staying somewhere if you feel any sort of threat or discomfort. It could all just be in your head, but trust your gut, always.
Practice and share these tips with your single friends to make sure their online matchmaking is a positive experience.